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ONE in a billion,
ONE of a kind

Finding that Executive who fits, like a grain of sand, into an impeccably formed dune.

Working alongside my partners at ONEn2a, we view each organisation like a sand dune made up of tiny parts that somehow form a perfect unit.  Tiny parts identical on the surface yet totally unique.


Each grain appears identical to the untrained eye, but under a microscope we realise that, just like people, there are no two alike. 


Executive search can seem a bit like sifting through sand.  The differences seem infinitesimally small and the quest for that perfect particle is impacted by a host of ever-shifting variables.


Allow us to search through a vast desert for you, until we are sure, beyond a reasonable doubt, that we have found you the perfect executive.  One in a billion, one of a kind.


We offer a scientifically proven process that achieves an over 90% correlation between predicted and actual team success.

How it works

We measure what can't be faked.


We have created a framework that uses behavioural profiling as part of your recruitment search function for key roles.


We  scientifically profile your candidates and organisation to find the perfect candidate. 

We Analyse

We assess your organisation and the 'make or break' leaders that will work around this candidate to ensure their personality and working styles are compatible. 


Research shows that unsuccessful placements are often due to clashes in working style and culture. 

We Profile

As a trained profiler, I will then develop a portrait of the perfect candidate that goes well beyond just skills and experience.


The profile will include personality archetypes and leadership attributes required to complement the existing team. 

Only then....

Only then do we do what others call "executive search".


Testing and retesting to fit with the criteria.


Key positions within your organisation should always go through the analysis and profiling stage for a greater level of success.

Using this methodology we don't just match you with someone who we believe there is a probable cause for you to hire.


We empower you with all the information you need to make your decision beyond a reasonable doubt.  


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